Technical & Heat Resistant Glass
For decades, wired glass has been the most common fire-rated glass product specified in schools in North America. It's no wonder - it provides economical and reliable fire protection. And for a long time, wired glass was the only product available that could do the job. But there is a down side: Despite its tough appearance, wired glass can't tolerate much impact.
When fire codes were first being drafted, there were no alternatives to wired glass. So when high traffic areas called for a fire rating, wired glass was granted an exemption from meeting impact safety requirements. But fire safety without impact safety isn't enough when you have a corridor filled with students jostling each other on their way to class.
Realizing this, the International Code Council decided to lift the longstanding impact exemption for wired glass. Now, all fire-rated glass in K-12 schools and athletic facilities, when used in hazardous locations (doors, sidelites, etc.), must meet the higher impact requirements.
We also carry security glass, call for details.
Please discuss your specific application with one of our sales representatives to determine product suitability for your exact needs.
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Clear or slightly textured glass with a low coefficient of expansion. Can withstand operating temperatures of 900°F. Commonly used in gas space heaters and chemical applications where chemical resistance is required.
Glass Ceramics:
A slightly tinted glass produced by the devitrification process. Capable of withstanding operating temperatures of 1,200°F. This glass has high UV blocking characteristics.
Fused Silica:
High silica content glass with an extremely low coefficient of expansion. Capable of withstanding operating temperatures of 2,100°F. Appropriate for use where severe thermal shock and / or high UV transmission is required.
Available Glass Styles:
- Borosilicate
- Glass Ceramics
- Fused Silica